In order to engage in medical practice in the UK, one must obtain registration from the General Medical Council (GMC). The GMC offers four distinct categories of registration: provisional, full, specialist, and GP.
Both UK and international doctors who have recently completed medical school and have no internship experience are eligible for provisional registration. International Medical Graduates who obtain GMC registration through the PLAB route and have postgraduate experience, but their experience falls short of meeting the GMC’s requirements for an acceptable internship pattern, are also granted provisional registration.
The Foundation Year 1 (FY1) training post is the only Job opportunity available with this particular registration.
FY1 is the term used in the UK to refer to the type of registration given to doctors who have successfully finished their internship within the UK. In other countries, this may often be referred to as “”house surgency” or house job.
An FY1 can apply for any job below the level of GP or specialist Consultant.
Doctors in the UK who are included in the GP register have undergone 5 years of postgraduate training and specialise in family and community medicine. This training consists of completing a 2-year Foundation Programme (or equivalent) and a 3-year GP training programme in General Practice (or equivalent). In other countries, this training is typically referred to as Family Medicine training.
They can apply for Any job below the level of specialist Consultant.
Important note: It is crucial to recognise that in the UK, individuals who have recently graduated from medical school or completed their internship without further specialised training are not acknowledged as GPs, unlike in certain other countries.
If you possess prior experience working as a general physician in your home country but lack postgraduate training, you will be required to apply for FULL registration instead of GP registration.
Doctors who are on the specialist register are individuals who have successfully undergone specialised training in the UK through a training program approved by the General Medical Council (GMC) or its equivalent.
Which registration is best for you?